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Sunday, January 22, 2023

Regular Educational Content

I am starting with regular educational content on TintySun.

They are intended for Sundays at 8:00AM (GMT-4), but there might be exceptions (like today, for which I'm late 😔). Also, I still respect Sundays as a day of rest, so they won't be heavy - and especially starting out, still in Winter and setting up. Besides, you can tune into it whenever.

Educational content will come in the form of text, graphics, and video. I don't mind if you skip the video (although watching it will help me gain more exposure), but I'll make sure to point out if there's anything in it I'd rather you don't miss.

I am making the content in batches and then scheduling it, aiming to make it so it is consistently published on time. However, I will be around for questions and more anyhow.

Furthermore, I am aware that those currently here (and eventually showing up) are at different stages of the journey. If I'm on a topic you already know well, feel free to take what I'm saying as a reminder or a confirmation instead of as something new to learn. Also, feel free to contribute to it with clarifications, elaborations, and even corrections.

There is so much to touch on and cover and I'm looking forward to it all. 😄