Although I’ve always been an LGBTQ+ supporter, in light of current events, I will begin being more evidently so. During a time when, as an LGBTQ+ person, you can’t be sure where others stand or whether they’ll “turn” against you, you can count on me to always stand for you.
As being anti-LGBTQ+ starts getting normalized again, you might see many people, entities, and organizations show their true colors (or lack thereof). As, from the beginning, they were only “for you” while they believed they had something to gain from it.
Now, it is possible that around us there will be “closeted” people (and just “undercover agents”) doing their best to support us without losing the war in the process. However, it can be detrimental to your morale (and overall health) to be constantly doubting and questioning whether or not they can be trusted. So, I urge you to stick closer with those you can be sure are at their core and will always be by your side on this matter. (If you're doing the quiet part, I salute you and thank you for your noble service.)
In my case, I can’t be anything but in favor of freedom of expression. I literally almost lost my life by trying to “fit in” and be “normal”. I know that, for some of us, this is no trend or brainwashing. We are a certain way and, if we suppress that badly enough, we can suffocate and die - not only symbolically. So, yes, I take this very seriously. (And if by some sick twist I switch sides, you can at least bet I’ll suffer for it and that’ll be my punishment. 99.9999999999% unlikely, though.)
As for women and people of color, you also have my undying support. But this is no time to play dumb to coddle others’ ego. If you absolutely must, that’s understandable. But if you can afford to, keep on making it as obvious as you can that these sexist and racist f***ers are no more than delusional and expecting to have their illusions confirmed. Furthermore, never ever forget your worth. Keep on being your brilliant and unstoppable self.
There will be those who read this, or something like this, and assume it is an overreaction. But you should all know by now that you don’t have to wait for a disease to become deadly and incurable in order to recognize it as dangerous and lethal unless treated and combated.
Misogynistic men who aren’t white: You’re not as safe as you’d like to believe either. A white man who treats a woman as an inferior will treat you as an inferior too. If not only see you as one and stealthily regard you as such. It’s just how they operate. But I know some of you are such bootlickers that you’ll be fine with it anyway. May you get what you deserve, then.
Furthermore, I’m all for art. Including the dark kind. If unchecked banning begins and more gets written off as a “disorder” rather than a very natural response to a dysfunctional and unfair system or set of circumstances, I have an arsenal of arguments and evidence to dismantle the BS. Nobody will make you feel crazy (or merely inappropriate) when you’re not. Not on my watch.
Things in my country aren’t very progressive either but, buddies, you’re welcome here if the USA becomes intolerable to you.Lastly, you can contact me directly if you wish. Don’t be afraid to reach out - especially if you’re breaking and could use the extra reassurance. Throughout this year and beyond I will be making content that I hope will be helpful, but you can still make specific requests and I’ll tend to them to the best of my abilities.
DO NOT SUCCUMB TO DEFEATISM. We fought for our freedoms already and learned plenty in the process, we can do it again. If anything, this could be a reset that allows us to tackle all issues more thoroughly so that we can build again, this time more firmly and impenetrably. Give yourself permission to be as opportunistic as these $*&#@#@$ are.
You’re not alone.