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Saturday, February 1, 2025

Valentine Month

February arrives again!
And with it, though you may take it for love in the wider sense, the Valentine mood.
If you’re fond of treating others or even yourself, you can indulge it with me.
I celebrate it with relationship and care content and vibes here and there.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Welcome, Newcomers!

To those of you in alignment with what I stand for, welcome! I wish I already had more ready and in place for your arrival. But, regardless, I gladly open my doors to you before too long!

At this point, there's plenty of content accumulated to browse through or search up. However, you are not required to go through all of it before making yourself comfortable as a regular. Maybe it'll be enough to read only a few pieces, here and there, and wait for more that's on the way.

I have more content coming, more organization left to do, and more sections to add (it's getting political, something artists would rather not fully revolve around but ultimately cannot completely avoid). So, it's part of the package of Unbridling & Sustaining Artistic Abilities.

In any case, keep in mind that there's only so much that I can cover from my own angle and through my own approach. You must, along with it, curate a list of various sources to count on for your development. And I'll just keep contributing my part to it. 👍

Thursday, January 23, 2025

This Mess is a Bit More Complicated Than That

Things are rarely so linear and clear-cut, but for the sake of gaining or keeping some perspective beyond the extremes, I made this graph. I hope it’s self-explanatory enough and prompts you to notice even more ‘cause, jeee, is there a mess of stuff going on between and behind all of it? But I’ll still try to describe what it’s meant to mean. And leave the rest to you!

First and foremost, I’ll highlight: What’s TYPICAL and MODERATE is not what you should be too concerned about, whether that’s your ideal or not. It’s what’s ******* DEMENTED that poses a real danger. The NORMALCY CHASER/ENFORCER can also be annoying as **** and a huge part of what ruins everything, so always watch out for it too. The Catholic Church? Well, essentially, when truly standing for the values and principles of Christ, it tends to be somewhere there - showing compassion regardless of agreement or even understanding. But beware of The False Prophet who will cherry-pick what’s convenient and what suits it to lead you astray and into unholy grounds.

• Moderate Progressives. They’re usually allies, closeted or not, to the more flamboyant. They don’t need to be as expressive and can pass as conservative with relative ease, but they believe in freedom of expression and can view others as too narrow and close-minded.

• Moderate Conservatives. They may disapprove of your way of life, be repulsed even or just shake their head at 'the youth', but can still adopt an attitude of “whatever floats your boat”. And mind their own business.

• Typical Progressives. These are the more outspoken and visible. With crazy hair and crazy clothes, on-your-face queer and loud & proud. Or just very active in their activism (know and talk their politics inside out) and purposely push boundaries.

• Typical Conservatives. They prefer things simple and predictable. What do you mean you went off script? “Get back here and be and do like the rest of us! You’re being strange.” However, they can range from “ignore and keep going” to “we’ll bully it out of you or ostracize you”. Still, that’s what you'd expect from “normalcy” and it's nothing new.

• The Catholic Church. When they’re not wolves in sheep’s clothing and do their bible study well, they can be some of the kindest people you’ll ever meet. Even if, fundamentally, they still believe in holding certain things in strict structure.

So far all this is tolerable enough. At least for periods of time, depending on where you are. The following, not so much...

• The False Prophet. Literally the type of people who have been giving The Catholic Church such a horrible reputation. They’re usually awful narcissists looking for excuses to justify or disguise their awful (or downright psychopathic) behavior. They have a place in hell but often pretend they’re among the saintliest.

• Normalcy Chaser/Enforcer. All they care about is fitting in with what is the currently acceptable thing to be and do. They chase it and then enforce it. Taking sentiments such as “I’d like to express who I truly am” to mean that you must be as “PC” as possible or else you’re not doing it properly and ought to be canceled, witch-hunted even. These are the people that belong with the normies that verge on demented, but find themselves elsewhere when the norms change. (I blame them for a lot.)

• ******* Demented "Progressives". You know people claiming that wearing deodorant is oppressive and that women should be allowed to bleed out on the street when they menstruate? Also the people who believe it’s totally okay for a child to make serious alterations to their body before they even get a clue about themselves or life in general? The ones trying to normalize pedophilia? I put them here. I don’t associate with them at all.

• ******* Demented "Conservatives". This is where you get Nazis and The Patriarchy in its most perverted form. Echo chambers? THEY ADORE THAT. Forget education, ban books. “My word is law” and, basically, reality is whatever they deem it to be. You thought they were people of ~FACTS~? Think again. Confirmation bias is how they roll. Anything else can cause them cognitive dissonance that they’re too scared to face and sort through. Let alone admit. Needless to say, a danger to any civilized society.

Bear with my use of terms because, as many of us know, wording is tricky and words can signify different things. But I hope you get the gist of it and can see where to aim and what to keep at bay.

Monday, January 20, 2025

Dear Women, PoC, and LGBTQ+ Crowd…

Although I’ve always been an LGBTQ+ supporter, in light of current events, I will begin being more evidently so. During a time when, as an LGBTQ+ person, you can’t be sure where others stand or whether they’ll “turn” against you, you can count on me to always stand for you.

As being anti-LGBTQ+ starts getting normalized again, you might see many people, entities, and organizations show their true colors (or lack thereof). As, from the beginning, they were only “for you” while they believed they had something to gain from it.

Now, it is possible that around us there will be “closeted” people (and just “undercover agents”) doing their best to support us without losing the war in the process. However, it can be detrimental to your morale (and overall health) to be constantly doubting and questioning whether or not they can be trusted. So, I urge you to stick closer with those you can be sure are at their core and will always be by your side on this matter. (If you're doing the quiet part, I salute you and thank you for your noble service.)

In my case, I can’t be anything but in favor of freedom of expression. I literally almost lost my life by trying to “fit in” and be “normal”. I know that, for some of us, this is no trend or brainwashing. We are a certain way and, if we suppress that badly enough, we can suffocate and die - not only symbolically. So, yes, I take this very seriously. (And if by some sick twist I switch sides, you can at least bet I’ll suffer for it and that’ll be my punishment. 99.9999999999% unlikely, though.)

As for women and people of color, you also have my undying support. But this is no time to play dumb to coddle others’ ego. If you absolutely must, that’s understandable. But if you can afford to, keep on making it as obvious as you can that these sexist and racist f***ers are no more than delusional and expecting to have their illusions confirmed. Furthermore, never ever forget your worth. Keep on being your brilliant and unstoppable self.

There will be those who read this, or something like this, and assume it is an overreaction. But you should all know by now that you don’t have to wait for a disease to become deadly and incurable in order to recognize it as dangerous and lethal unless treated and combated.

Misogynistic men who aren’t white: You’re not as safe as you’d like to believe either. A white man who treats a woman as an inferior will treat you as an inferior too. If not only see you as one and stealthily regard you as such. It’s just how they operate. But I know some of you are such bootlickers that you’ll be fine with it anyway. May you get what you deserve, then.

Furthermore, I’m all for art. Including the dark kind. If unchecked banning begins and more gets written off as a “disorder” rather than a very natural response to a dysfunctional and unfair system or set of circumstances, I have an arsenal of arguments and evidence to dismantle the BS. Nobody will make you feel crazy (or merely inappropriate) when you’re not. Not on my watch.

Things in my country aren’t very progressive either but, buddies, you’re welcome here if the USA becomes intolerable to you.

Lastly, you can contact me directly if you wish. Don’t be afraid to reach out - especially if you’re breaking and could use the extra reassurance. Throughout this year and beyond I will be making content that I hope will be helpful, but you can still make specific requests and I’ll tend to them to the best of my abilities.

DO NOT SUCCUMB TO DEFEATISM. We fought for our freedoms already and learned plenty in the process, we can do it again. If anything, this could be a reset that allows us to tackle all issues more thoroughly so that we can build again, this time more firmly and impenetrably. Give yourself permission to be as opportunistic as these $*&#@#@$ are. You’re not alone.

Aquarius' Description

Aquarius, the eleventh sign, is an air and fixed sign, portraying innovation and independence. Known for its visionary thinking and progressive ideals, it marches to the beat of its own drum. Often associated with originality and eccentricity, they celebrate their uniqueness and challenge societal norms. Their mindset causes them to seek out novel ways of thinking and living. It has a role as a humanitarian and a bringer of change. Yet, beneath its rebellious exterior lies a desire to create a better world for all.

Spiritually, Aquarius brings us toward progress and even revolution. It teaches us the importance of our individuality, of standing up for what we believe in, and of using our gifts and talents to effect positive change in the world.

For context and more of relevance, please read about The Zodiac.

Monday, January 13, 2025

Plus a Bit More of All

More credit where credit is due. And it’s about time I bring them all up together.

A few years ago, I set off into YouTube. Not only as intending to become a YouTuber, but as committing to making content regularly for that and other platforms. Through my browsing and during my watching, several YouTubers caught my attention. But ultimately, these are the ones I ended up sticking with.

They are both informative and humane. Furthermore, they are devoted to what they cover and don’t take themselves too seriously - which I personally appreciate. That and they’re indeed great at making content! I don’t always watch the full videos they release, but the snippets and extracts they share on their respective topics are something I try not to miss. And I’m glad whenever I see them on my dashboard.

For sure, what they put out has helped me stay on track and figure my way through all of this.

Sean Cannell
Focus on making content and the marketing & advertising aspects of it. Inspiring and motivational, preserving the soul while being ambitious. Beyond being brilliant, he can be extremely energizing. His public speaking abilities? Top-notch.

Sara Dietschy
Focus on technology. From gadgets to applications to what’s becoming of the world through these advances. I particularly enjoy her lively and personable, yet undoubtedly nerdy approach to showing us around and introducing us to what’s at hand.

Sorelle Amore
Focus on freedom. Something that starts with having your finances in order. She tends to the material without neglecting the spiritual and that’s what most stood out for me. Her presence is delightful and, undeniably, so are her captures of existence.

There’s much more that could be said about them, of course. But I’ll let their work speak for them.
(You should check them out.)

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Personal Development: 3 Attitudes For Excellence

Previously, 5 Traits to Stand Out were brought up. Adding to that, here is more toward excellence.

If you’re doing the work and wish to keep going forward, it is fundamental to adopt certain attitudes with which you will receive and respond to most if not all things. Let them sink down into the core of you to operate by default on their own. If you dare.  

• Competing Against Yourself
When you don’t have a point of reference, it is indeed constructive to look around and compare yourself to others to then compete against them. However, this has a few pitfalls. What if what they’re good at is not what you ought to be good at? And what if you’re already the best one around at that particular thing? What happens then? You’re led astray or you hit a cap. Therefore, it is important to learn to push yourself based on higher and higher standards that you set for yourself regardless. It is not about taking it easy and letting yourself fall behind. On the contrary, it is about constantly taking a look at yourself and admitting where you’re failing or lacking on your path toward actualization and addressing it.

• Maturing & Evolving
There is often such needless resistance to mature and evolve. And that’s understandable as this is (mistakenly) associated with dying and losing yourself. However, there is still joy and wonder in moving onto the different phases and newer versions of you. Becoming cynical and complacent aren’t signs of maturity and evolution, they are signs of giving up - and that’s a significant distinction to make. You don’t have to keep repeating the same mistakes, over and over again, stuck in a loop, to be alive and remain “yourself”. You can instead take what life throws at you and see how it can best shape and forge you into someone greater.  

• Embracing Truthfulness
None of this will happen with ease if you have trouble accepting the facts, what is real and ultimately true. Yes, the truth hurts. And yes, too much of it can be debilitating and even paralyzing. But you ought to make room for it. Cushion it and counter it with softer and sweeter truths if you must. Have it in moderation, at intervals if that helps. But at some point, you must welcome it in. And you might find, after all, that the highest truths are the most liberating. And that the most wounding and poisoning “truths” weren’t so true. With practice, you could end up seeking it as much as water and air. And it’ll make it all clear to you.  

Take a moment to reflect. What is lacking in you that could use some work? What can you work on personally developing now?

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

(Changing) Calendar

Here’s what I have in store so far for the year. It's not completely set in stone, as the unexpected may occur, but it's certainly set in sight. I will add and/or remove (with or without notice, depending) throughout the year...

Don't Forget

You can be open to the inevitable and the favorable, while closed to the dismissable and the infavorable. It can be tricky to tell them apart, and sometimes you just won’t know until you look back and see the relief of a dodged bullet or the regret of a missed opportunity, but don’t be so stiff or so malleable that you prolong suffering and delay fulfillment.

Inducing Serenity

How much noise is around and/or within you? Inhale and exhale. You can find serenity again. Without forgetting what you’ve learned, getting rid of what you’ve made, or denying who you are, grant yourself the space for what you aspire toward. Visualize it and watch it expand, dissolving obstacles and limits you believed you had.

Let this imagery and this melody prompt and carry you toward your own version of it...

CREDIT: AI-Generated, image done on Leonardo AI and audio on Suno AI.