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Monday, January 13, 2025

Plus a Bit More of All

More credit where credit is due. And it’s about time I bring them all up together.

A few years ago, I set off into YouTube. Not only as intending to become a YouTuber, but as committing to making content regularly for that and other platforms. Through my browsing and during my watching, several YouTubers caught my attention. But ultimately, these are the ones I ended up sticking with.

They are both informative and humane. Furthermore, they are devoted to what they cover and don’t take themselves too seriously - which I personally appreciate. That and they’re indeed great at making content! I don’t always watch the full videos they release, but the snippets and extracts they share on their respective topics are something I try not to miss. And I’m glad whenever I see them on my dashboard.

For sure, what they put out has helped me stay on track and figure my way through all of this.

Sean Cannell
Focus on making content and the marketing & advertising aspects of it. Inspiring and motivational, preserving the soul while being ambitious. Beyond being brilliant, he can be extremely energizing. His public speaking abilities? Top-notch.

Sara Dietschy
Focus on technology. From gadgets to applications to what’s becoming of the world through these advances. I particularly enjoy her lively and personable, yet undoubtedly nerdy approach to showing us around and introducing us to what’s at hand.

Sorelle Amore
Focus on freedom. Something that starts with having your finances in order. She tends to the material without neglecting the spiritual and that’s what most stood out for me. Her presence is delightful and, undeniably, so are her captures of existence.

There’s much more that could be said about them, of course. But I’ll let their work speak for them.
(You should check them out.)

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Personal Development: 3 Attitudes For Excellence

Previously, 5 Traits to Stand Out were brought up. Adding to that, here is more toward excellence.

If you’re doing the work and wish to keep going forward, it is fundamental to adopt certain attitudes with which you will receive and respond to most if not all things. Let them sink down into the core of you to operate by default on their own. If you dare.  

• Competing Against Yourself
When you don’t have a point of reference, it is indeed constructive to look around and compare yourself to others to then compete against them. However, this has a few pitfalls. What if what they’re good at is not what you ought to be good at? And what if you’re already the best one around at that particular thing? What happens then? You’re led astray or you hit a cap. Therefore, it is important to learn to push yourself based on higher and higher standards that you set for yourself regardless. It is not about taking it easy and letting yourself fall behind. On the contrary, it is about constantly taking a look at yourself and admitting where you’re failing or lacking on your path toward actualization and addressing it.

• Maturing & Evolving
There is often such needless resistance to mature and evolve. And that’s understandable as this is (mistakenly) associated with dying and losing yourself. However, there is still joy and wonder in moving onto the different phases and newer versions of you. Becoming cynical and complacent aren’t signs of maturity and evolution, they are signs of giving up - and that’s a significant distinction to make. You don’t have to keep repeating the same mistakes, over and over again, stuck in a loop, to be alive and remain “yourself”. You can instead take what life throws at you and see how it can best shape and forge you into someone greater.  

• Embracing Truthfulness
None of this will happen with ease if you have trouble accepting the facts, what is real and ultimately true. Yes, the truth hurts. And yes, too much of it can be debilitating and even paralyzing. But you ought to make room for it. Cushion it and counter it with softer and sweeter truths if you must. Have it in moderation, at intervals if that helps. But at some point, you must welcome it in. And you might find, after all, that the highest truths are the most liberating. And that the most wounding and poisoning “truths” weren’t so true. With practice, you could end up seeking it as much as water and air. And it’ll make it all clear to you.  

Take a moment to reflect. What is lacking in you that could use some work? What can you work on personally developing now?

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

(Changing) Calendar

Here’s what I have in store so far for the year. It's not completely set in stone, as the unexpected may occur, but it's certainly set in sight. I will add and/or remove (with or without notice, depending) throughout the year...

Don't Forget

You can be open to the inevitable and the favorable, while closed to the dismissable and the infavorable. It can be tricky to tell them apart, and sometimes you just won’t know until you look back and see the relief of a dodged bullet or the regret of a missed opportunity, but don’t be so stiff or so malleable that you prolong suffering and delay fulfillment.

Inducing Serenity

How much noise is around and/or within you? Inhale and exhale. You can find serenity again. Without forgetting what you’ve learned, getting rid of what you’ve made, or denying who you are, grant yourself the space for what you aspire toward. Visualize it and watch it expand, dissolving obstacles and limits you believed you had.

Let this imagery and this melody prompt and carry you toward your own version of it...

CREDIT: AI-Generated, image done on Leonardo AI and audio on Suno AI.  

2025's To-Do List

Plenty was accomplished last year, despite delays and detours, but there is some left over and more to work toward this year. It seems that it will be quite an uncertain one in various aspects, but I might still be able to push forward in certain areas regardless. As usual, I’m flexible (for who knows what the future will bring) but better a plan than no plan.

☐ Polish Site Layout (add new modules, too)
☐ Develop Mobile Versions

☐ Complete Rounds of Fundamental Content
☐ Fill Empty Sections Remaining
☐ Showcase Representative Batch of Artworks

☐ Revise/Renew Branding
☐ Promote Your Stuff
(...and officially establish yourself!)

☐ Polish
☐ Fill
☐ Promote
☐ Polish
☐ Fill
☐ Promote
☐ Polish
☐ Fill
☐ Promote


I don’t know what to expect! There have been so many unexpected twists and turns, some so outrageously massive that they have drastically altered the course of history, so speaking as though I have a clue what 2025 holds might just make me look foolish once it comes and goes.

However, I do know that I’m still enthusiastic and still devoted to my projects. And the more comes together, the more amazing it all is to me. Lots of forming and transforming into something greater. Much in ways I would not have envisioned but that make the most sense after all. (Thank God, The Universe, The Mysterious Forces at Play, for what didn’t work out and for what did work out.)

2024 was “supposed” to be a good year of steady progress for me. Yet, it was instead filled with devastating turmoil, as I had to let go of people I had come to be especially fond of, and revitalizing delight, as people I would not have even dreamed of (looking waaaaay better) showed up in their place. Still kinda reluctant to trust new faces (can’t blame me, the world is rotten), but it is nonetheless amazing! That and the priceless abundance of support and assistance throughout all the trials and tribulations.

2025? Well, I’m hoping it’ll keep surprising me with better and better. I’ll do my part, giving my best and making the most of what I can, and the rest is out of my hands. More specifically, though, I aim to bring enough to a state of completion and at last have that sense of being firmly and indisputably established. Heck, I might be one surprising you all with better and better. Looking forward to that! (And keeping the suspense...)

I know, I know. It can seem grim for many of us right now. But let’s keep on surviving and even thriving, no matter what!

New Year Month

January arrives again!
And with it, back to another start, the New Year mood.
If you wish to get organized for what’s to come, you can indulge it with me.
I celebrate it with aspirational and goal-setting content and vibes here and there.