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Sunday, January 1, 2023

New Year, 2023!

It’s the new year! 
We’ve made it to 2023! 

Normally, one would say “Happy New Year!” but, after the years we’ve had since 2020, I’m reluctant to exclaim that. Instead, I’ll wish you a year that you can handle, make progress in, and ultimately be fulfilled by. And if it will be awful, may it at least be intriguing and fascinating.

I have been setting up for this year, settling and planning, so you’ll have me around - maybe more than you’d like! But in any case, feel free to tune in and out as you must or prefer. During 2023, I will be mostly busy making and scheduling content to complete a program throughout the year. But you’re always welcome to contact me for any inquiries!

Let's go forward!🎉