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Thursday, April 13, 2023

Points on Balance

 #1  You require balance to maintain your equilibrium as you stand or move forward. This matters in the short term but more so for the long term.

 #2  To be balanced, it doesn’t necessarily mean splitting things equally. Balance can be for you 70% of something and 30% of something else, for example.

 #3  It is tempting to believe that, to be balanced, you must learn to perfectly juggle everything everyone cares about. But you must find what you personally need and want in your life, to what degree, and work with that instead.

 #4  Trying to retain balance at all times is a losing battle that can frustrate you. Sometimes you stumble or are knocked over and you must give yourself plenty of wiggle room to truly regain your balance.

 #5  One of the easiest ways to lose your balance is overextending yourself for something or someone that won’t catch you or give you a hand.