It’s all fun and games, but also… what a way to keep yourself alive! Making and keeping a bucket list will give you plenty to look forward to and aspire towards.
Typically, when we think of bucket lists, we think of a list of amazing experiences that we hope to have. That we fear missing out on and would YOLO into. Experiences that we can be overjoyed by if and when have them. And they can range from small to big, affordable to expensive, common to rare, and so on. It is personally gratifying both to have them and to tick them off the list once we do. It brings meaning and purpose into our lives.
And yet, as if that wasn’t enough already, there are countless different ways in which to make them. Get personal, be original, do it your way.
You can decorate it. Get artsy with pens, markers, and stickers or with how you digitally format it (whether you print it out or not).
You can theme it. Make it The Bucket List of an Artist or what may have you. So that from it, what you will add to it emerges.
You can time it. Maybe it’s not for your entire lifetime, but for the summer. Or for any other season or period. And if it is indeed life-long, then elements within it could belong to set times.
You can display it. Pin it to a board or a wall where you can frequently see it so you won’t forget about it or even show it around to others, if you’d like that extra pressure to commit to it, and even let them anticipate its gradual completion.
Should you bother with it? If it seems like something that your life needs right now, then maybe you should give it a try. Just be wary of putting yourself in strain or risk over it! And if you’re out of ideas for it, it is an exercise in finding out what you’d like in the story of you!
CREDIT: AI-Generated Examples done on Leonardo.AI