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Friday, January 12, 2024

Online Shopping, an absolute necessity

So much coming this year, so many different things. But behind all of it, there’s this: Online Shopping.

I’m finally ready to accept my failures and my losses, to be able to look into what last year held and wholly accept it. Without resentment, just gratitude for what it did for me - which took me higher and further in ways I wasn’t even dreaming of. And here I am again; didn’t get everything I wanted, but got everything I needed. So now I can gladly start a new chapter.

And in this new chapter, I’ll probably be doing plenty of online shopping. To get exactly what I’m looking for or even to save some money - which I’m excited for but can’t guarantee I’ll always share about.

It was magical to me at the beginning and it still hasn’t lost its magic. Given that I happened to be born on an island and so much seemed so far away from me. I still remember how, as a kid, to get specific toys and games I saw on TV, I had to ask my uncle to hunt them down at stores in the US while he was there and wait months for him to return with them. So imagine what a gift it was for things to suddenly become so accessible to me. Books, electronics, supplies, and anything I required to pursue my interests, no matter how niche they were, all facilitated.

That’s one less thing to worry about in this endeavor of making content. And I finally stopped putting off opening up all these boxes.